-benvinguts - welcome - bienvenidos - bienvenus - willkommen - ようこそ - benvenuti - bem-vindo - ongi etorri - 欢迎 - witam -
Saturday, 31 December 2005
Do it Yourself New Year's Eve (espíritu bricomanía)
Tuesday, 27 December 2005
Wednesday, 21 December 2005
and i won't cry for yesterday...
Sunday, 18 December 2005
On some other website, http://7thcrow.com/crows.html , i found more things on legends, myths regarding crows. That time what i read was about counting crows, nothing to do with their behaviour. There were some verses talking about events related to different numbers of crows. Here i reproduce 2 groups of verses:
1) Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable is:
One's sorrow, two's mirth,
Three's a wedding, four's a birth,
Five's a christening, six a dearth,
Seven's heaven, eight is hell,
And nine's the devil his old self.
2) Counting Rhyme (from The Folklore of Birds, by Laura C. Martin, 1993)
One for sorrow, two for mirth,
Three for a wedding, four for a birth,
Five for silver, six for gold,
Seven for a secret not to be told.
Eight for heaven, nine for hell,
And ten for the devil's own sel'.
It's not easy to spot crows around here, unlike what i've been told about Singapore and Tokyo...but i think that i'll pay attention to their number. I did like the rhyme (i read somewhere else that it was a nursery rhyme). I hope you too (or a few of you) liked this. Maybe some of you have already heard about this kind of things. ah.....if i hadn't heard the word in tibetan for hoopoe and, afterwards, having forgotten it, i wouldn't have had the chance to come across crow divination and the rhymes above. I'd not have looked for such word by myself, spontaneously since i wouldn't either have thought spontaneously about hoopoes. I'm thankful to that professor...
Friday, 16 December 2005
almost-magical music
Saturday, 10 December 2005
ToDo PoR La pAtRiA (VaTiCaNa)!
Plastic People of the Universe
Wanting to be like Beckham or so??? Beckham ist Quatsch mit Soße! (¡naranjas de la China!..nonsense in English, but it's not as funny, that's why i didn't write it first in English). Beckhamhood and all related fashiondelamuertehood is something temporary. Oh! tree leaves turning yellowish and falling sadly onto the ground of drowsy parks and forests, when the night has told stories about the coming hard winter. That's the death of beckhamhood.
By the way, Plastic People of the Universe (Milan Hlavsa,Josef Janíček, Vratislav Brabenec, Jiří Kabeš) was a band from the former Czechoslovakia. I once (quite a long time ago) heard about it in some TV report (i think it was in "sputnik", on canal 33) about music and political events. They talked about these people (they made interesting music, with mysterious sounds...some kind of rock, close to psychedelic rock, sometimes), Václav Hável and the Velvet Revolution. I liked the name of this music band.
Monday, 5 December 2005
SUPERCIOCIA!!! The Trilogy
And then Superciocia appears on scene!!!! It’s the star of a trilogy, like those with the bravest superheros, fighting against the most ferocious enemies: zadradziecki trawnik (treacherous grass), niewdzięczny kamień (ungrateful stone/rock) and śmiertelny plankton (mortal kind-of-grass...well, i didn’t find the word in my dictionary of Polish...but in the movie, plankton was some kind grass/plants near a path). The courageous Superciocia (lit. superaunt), fights with the only help of a powerful piece of reddish cloth. I read that there should me more chapters on Superciocia’s heroic actions....but who knows. I must say that there would be no Superciocia if Władysław Sikora wouldn't play the role of this Hero. If anybody else played the role of Superciocia, it wouldn't be the same. In other words, that wouldn't be the authentic Superciocia. Therefore, Superciocia's destiny is that of having only a temporary existence, and no future remakes, as many Hollywood movies do with old heroes.
Besides Superciocia, there were other interesting creatures, such as Pan Jabu (Mr. Jabu)...without being able to understand what he said in the video dedicated to him (check the video “deseczka” or “pan Jabu show” in the links below, where you can also find “Trylogia Superciocia”) I laughed lots.... I also recommend the documentary “Archetypowy ojciec”(archetypical father)... half sociological/anthropological...with that kind of rastafari father. It’s ok if you, as me, don’t understand Polish. Anyway...it's better than you have a look at some of those short films.
The kind of humour Halama and company make reminds me of the humour the spanish Cruz y Raya make, inventing strange and somehow surrealistic situations, but also several curious characters (such as Canduterio, a man wearing a torero hat, 70es style glasses, and dressing like somebody from a rural area). Any of them makes direct references to politics (well, Cruz y Raya sometimes, but never to the extent of many other comedians) and in any case they make a denigrant kind of humour based on attacking and making fun of somebody. Neither is scatology used as a resource.
Sunday, 27 November 2005
ELEIKEKELEI y el gran Kitajima Saburo
Desde que descubrí las obras maestras de Os Resentidos y, sobre todo, de Siniestro total, me gustó un surrealismo subyacente (como no) en sus letras y ritmos. ¿¿¿Temas recurrentes para hacer la elaboración de las piezas más rápida y fácil??? Para qué! Si hay temas tan suculentos como: Brezhnev, discos de los Shadows y las Shangri-Las y otros utensilios musicales que aparecen en “bailaré sobre tu tumba” como objetos de un crímen hipotético, Bryan Ferry y la hipótesis sobre su aliento, Assumpta, Polonia y Karol Wojtiła, elefantes rosas, Vietnam (“fuera las manos chinas del Vietnam socialista”), la higiene personal y un largo etc., y sin caer en vulgaridades...ahi, los componentes de Siniestro Total muestran disimulandamente sus amplios conocimientos en áreas diversas y variopintas. Qué majos estos gallegos.
Y otro de los grandes es Kitajima Saburo, un personaje sin traducción posible a otras latitudes. No hay un equivalente español para este japonés...como tampoco hay un equivalente para el Enka, estilo musical en el que está ubicado felizmente desde hace décadas y décadas. Tan grande es su figura que hasta tiene un museo con su nombre...ponte a contar cantantes con museo propio... Bueno, y el merchandising que se puede ver gracias a esa web...si palabras. Que puntazo el poder comprar galletas (o similar) con la efigie del señor Kitajima (Sabu-chan para los fans más acérrimos y para sus allegados, supongo). Nada...840 yenes y uno/a se va tan contento para casa con sus Sabu-chan cookies...Ay! pero eso de comerse efigies de Kitajima, no sé yo. Que creo que a muchos les dará una pena enorme...como también grande la pena que puede dar que las galletas se te estropeen con el tiempo y el chocolate (o sucedáneo, llamémoslo pocholate), se deshaga y se desfigure la majestuosa efigie del artista sólo por no haberse comido las galletas en el momento adecuado. Yo no me comería un Sabu-chan de pocholate...Casi que mejor las camisetas, que, por cierto, son un poco feas, con el juego que podrían haber dado (con lo larga que es la carrera musical del bueno de Kitajima....). El merchandising textil no me acaba de convencer por estar alejado de la figura de Kitajima y su estilo. Pero lo mejor viene cuando una servidora descubre los colgantes/adornos para móvil (no sé si tienen ya un nombre más concreto, bueno, una especie de equivalente para strap tendría que ser) con una banda de tela con el nombre del cantante y un muñequito representando al maestro Kitajima. No veo yo a los seguidores más fieles de kitajima, con más de 50 años seguramente en la mayoría de los casos, con figuritas de Sabu-chan colgando de sus teléfonos móviles. Pero muchas cosas extrañas son posibles en Japón, pienso. Pero que si alguien les da la idea de la Mona de Pascua, (pastel con huevos de chocolate o figuritas/complejas construcciones de chocolate que se les compra a los niños por Semana Santa...Lunes de Pascua, creo –no soy una adepta de las mones ni nunca lo fui sino sólo de los pollos amarillos que se suelen poner como decoración-), van los japoneses, que habiéndoles fascinado la idea y el juego que da....ya está, mones de Kitajima Saburo y todo lo que se pueda imaginar. Y lo de la Pascua será ya algo superficial y, puesto que por San Valentín, las mujeres regalan chocolate a los hombres...¡¡¡anda que no quedarían bien regalando una mona de Kitajima Saburo!!!
Pero yo soy feliz con lo que me evoca “Hakodate no hito”; un mundo en blanco y negro,una película de los años 50, un drama, otros valores. Y también me quedo con el eleikekelei. Nada....a ver si alguien hace un bootleg de “cuando Brezhnev...” y “hakodate no hito”...o una versión dance...o chill out, que viene estando muy en boga. Creo que el resultado sería algo parecido a poner una canción al revés (uuuuh!). Quizás hasta hay mensajes ocultos y hasta que no se mezclan ambas piezas bien no se obtienen. Seguro que es algo catárquico y bueno para la felicidad de las almas. Y si no, pues siempre nos quedarán las galletas de pocholate.
Wednesday, 2 November 2005
back into the 60es: minimalism,colours, birds & physics
Saturday, 29 October 2005
Lo del manganeso caqui!
Finalmente, ayer, estrenaron el nuevo programa de Óscar Terol, con algunos de los colaboradores del Vaya Semanita. Era a horas bastante intempestivas para mi persona, pero no obstante, opté por ver una parte. La criatura fue mejor de lo que esperaba (y lo digo no por infravalorar a los creadores, sino por la suerte que suelen tener las adaptaciones de formatos). Podría comentar muchas cosas, pero ahora me quedo con el sketch donde se mencionó el manganeso caqui. A mi es que me gusta el humor surrealista... El sketch en cuestión versaba sobre una máquina (revolucionaria, un fenómeno) capaz de formular nombres de futuras exitosas telenovelas (d.h. culebrones). El funcionamiento de la máquina (que en realidad era un armatoste de hojalata, con cientos de artefactos, botones e indicadores, a modo peliculero, con un hombrecillo --el actor que hacía del mítico Pelanas!-- dentro) consistía en combinar el nombre de un mineral con un color. Al principio salieron un par de buenas alternativas...a lo topacio anaranjado, o algo por el estilo....pero luego, ah! sorpresa! MANGANESO CAQUI!!!!...fashion de la muerte...ahora ya la moda trasciende el mundo humano y altera a los elementos químicos. Y digo yo que a algunos a lo mejor les da por ponerse a dieta para reducir su masa atómica. Por algún motivo extraño atribuido a mis asociaciones mentales o similares, manganeso caqui me resulta hilarante. Como vengo diciendo a menudo, "es paranoia", gran oración agramatical, pero muy práctica y económica. Y la pregunta es...por qué manganeso y no, digamos, por poner un ejemplo, algún elemento de los grupos de tierras raras???? (hablando de tierras raras, de los lanánidos, más concretamente, Lutecio, el elemento 71, es un Lunni....q útil es la tabla periódica para los no-químicos....en los estudios de tve deben tener tablas periódicas preciosas por ahi por las paredes, enmarcadas)
El momento apoteósico del surrealismo fue hoy, cuando escribiendo un mail (el mail que et vaig respondre, Dr. Karl!!), descubrí asociaciones latentes en mi cerebro entre el manganeso caqui y el googolplexian (bueno, y más cosas)...Primero aparecen las cosas o temas de que hablar y yo solita, bastante inconscientemente a veces, los acabo asociando majamente.
Tuesday, 25 October 2005
strangers on a train
Something very different is when the unexpected interaction affects the observer. It can be sometimes scary but other times nice and even pleasant. Yesterday i came across this second time of interaction surprise....and the reason why the interaction bloomed wasn't The Weather (in fact, it was dark and no clouds to observe, as good orators on Weather do) but learning chinese. I sat randomly, like always when i come back home, and next to me there was a young man wearing suit (well, without the jacket, since it was a bit hot) but i didn't pay attention to him....i saw the free seat and sat. I was having a look at my brand new photocopies for tibetan language class and then at my book of chinese (not brand new, but almost). The curiosity attacked that guy and made him ask me whether i was studying chinese....and then the communication went on smoothly. The image i got from him when i sat, that of a serious person, disappeared as we talked and sometimes laughed. I guess he had also thought that i was a serious person. I'm always curious about the image i give, which i think is most times that of a very serious or distant person. The casuality also made us get off the train at the same train station. Then, after giving each other our names, we became aquainted. We're no longer strangers on a train. Maybe, in some other wagon some other people became acquainted...or maybe just shared a few words or exchanged some questions.
A couple of renfe slogans:
¿Cuánto hace que no subes al tren? (old one)
Los sueños viajan en tren.
Monday, 17 October 2005
crueldad publicitaria....cf. telefónica
Friday, 7 October 2005
masters of the universe and bureaucracy
Thursday, 6 October 2005
No és que estigui en contra del pijisme i la gent que vol seguir les modes (jo també en segueixo algunes)..tothom és lliure en el vestir....sino de posar-los per davant de tot i com una mena d'objectius i també trobo bastant desagradable els aires i actitud que a molts els dóna una marca del que sigui (ja sigui falsa o no, tot i que això és un altre tema....veure gents comprant bosses falses louis vuitton a passeig de gràcia, contribuïnt a l'economia submergida però donant-li una part del sustent a immigrants que ho necessiten potser més que els directius de marques d'aquesta mena, per posar-ne un exemple).
D'una banda estan les botigues i alguns tipus de gent i d'altre, altres col.lectius i les pintades reivindicatives de tota mena, com crits contra molts canvis i fets sense massa cap ni peus ni justícia....com els preus de la vivenda, el rol dels diners i, per extensió, del materialisme avui dia. Però no hi ha una barrera, una separació clara entre aquestes dues visions, ans al contrari, tot sembla estar barrejat, camuflat. Però al cap i a la fi, no puc evitar sentir que s'estan perdent moltes coses i que molts valors estan bastant per terra. Pluralisme estètico-ideològic...sempre bo :)
A outra cousa maripousa; Hablando de pijismos y similares, hubo un tiempo que una moda instalada era la de llevar polos de tonos claros, con pantalones claros o tejanos (en el caso de las chicas, Samblancat...bueno, estos pantalones siguen en auge)"fisnos"...bueno, y las joyas, en el caso de las féminas jóvenes eran pendientes de perlas y collares con bolas enormes (lo de los collares de cuentas grandes fueron algo más democrático, y no adscrito a ningún estilo en particular...aún tengo el mío, en negro, del H&M, un poco en el ostracismo) y apenas nada de maquillaje. Así, sin ningún más comentario, no tiene nada de especial este detalle....lo bueno fue, ante mi curiosidad por el término "preppy" y su verdadero significado, descubrí a que los denominados "preppies", les iba bastante lo de los tonos bastantes y discreción...alguna joya fisna y nada de maquillaje (bueno, las marcas aparte, claro). Es curioso recordar las gentes que se veían con ese look por aquí, que parecían una adaptación del "look" preppy....y más aún la diferente percepción de esta gente, sin nada que ver con lo que son los preppies auténticos (sin ningún ánimo de ofender, claro). Lo que no sé del todo es qué se suele entender por preppy en españa....con un sistema educativo muy diferente del americano, y con todas las diferencias culturales.
Tuesday, 27 September 2005
C.O.N.T.R.O.L. mourns...K.A.O.S. too, probably
I've always liked the series and today i was surprised and sad to know the starring actor had died. Not so long ago i had looked for more information about "get smart" on the net, after seeing the series was back. I wouldn't have expected then to get such sad news today. Now it feels different to watch the series...
Friday, 16 September 2005
jazz, life and coming across Tete Montoliu's music
Tuesday, 13 September 2005
other possibilities within Catholic Church
Personally I don’t really agree with Catholic Church and its hierarchy, and it’s slow adaptation to the changes taking place in society, not to mention what happened in the past promoted by catholic church. But the members of such hierarchy are not inherently bad, of course, like what can happen within some big or powerful organizations. Something is the organization as a whole, and another very different thing are the members and people who agree with the ultimate causes of the existence of the organization and its role. However, we can find examples, such as the one of Mr. Casaldàliga, who take a path along their faith and beliefs, but not necessarily being closely tied by the Vatican orders and idea of what’s right and what’s wrong. I admire the works Casaldàliga, together with some other people close to him, as he said (he shared his merit with other people, because otherwise it wouldn’t be fair) carried out for over 30 years in that region of Brazil and his ideas and arguments making them even more solid. He devoted his life (and still does so) to improve the lives of many people, to make things better, facing many powerful people and institutions. He fought for the respect of the rights of indigenous population, and to help poor people in the region to have somehow more strength and life better, in a world and country where they play no important role but that of victims.
His point of view regarding religion is very interesting. I must say, that he follows the so-called Theology of Liberation, very popular in several countries in South America. I’m not going to describe this philosophy but the ideas of Casaldàliga because I’ve not read much on the topic. But I’m sure there are many points I’ll mention, which coincide with the very Theology of Liberation. Casaldàliga, I would say, has quite a progressist view of Christianity, and quite left-winged. In fact, Christianity, as other religions, could be interpreted as thoughts and values placed in quite a left-wing position, in the sense of protecting individuals, families, the community and helping those with fewer possibilities. That willingness of helping and giving real help is nothing but words in the case of many churches. Well, in fact, religion is different in developed countries than in countries with fewer resources...here the new religion, capitalism+liberalism have been changing people and the way to see religion. Even the way to give communion to those attending the mass, he performs it following his ideals: seeing all people inside the church as equals, he lets the parishioners get themselves the consecrated wafer, instead of giving them himself, so as not to feel different. Casaldàliga admitted not needing power, and had no problem when he stopped being bishop, although he remains in the region. Unlike many people who say that they do not want power, nor that they feel it’s important for them and then act in an hypocrite way, Casaldàliga seems to be consequent in all his thoughts. That’s really praiseworthy, either because of the commitment needed as for the difficulties to act this way in this world full of contradictions. I was surprised when i heard what he thought about homosexuality, wanting respect for them, and about women and Catholic church. He didn't say nothing directly about this last topic, but indirectly, his words were towards progress and giving women more chances in the Church.
Recently, I got to know more on an Indonesian scholar, Nurcholish Madjid (also known as Cak Nur), thanks to my friend Arief. And I just remembered my feelings after reading his article. Maybe Casaldàliga played a similar role as that Cak Nur played in Indonesia, but within Islam. Moderation and willingness to be closer to the people and adapt to changes in society seems to be the best and the most desirable thing nowadays.
* * *
You can read some articles and interterviews on the following website: http://servicioskoinonia.org/pedro/textos/index.html most of them are in Spanish or in Portuguese.
Monday, 12 September 2005
txipirones/as y kulebras
Ya no sé cuántos episodios (si así se les puede llamar) sobre el pelanas y la portu he visto hasta el momento. Qué grandes los de “el partido pelanas, por un extrarradio mayor”, “ el pelanas de farrero ronchón” (parodia del anuncio de ferrero rocher que, digo yo, que algún año lo cambiarán), “otxarkoaga 2012”...”los trucos de la universidad de la vida” (muy bueno) y también destacaría el “una vez soñé...” (parodia del megane que anunciaba Alonso pero mucho mejor). Las parodias y sátiras son en todos los casos ingeniosas, aunque a veces el lenguaje del sujeto Pelanas no sea agradable...pero siempre acaba teniendo su gracia, bien por la percepción que se tiene de él en su globalidad como por el acento y los errores programados que tergiversan las cosas y crean otros mundos: anarosaquintero, el nikis de redecillas (y tantas otras cosas acabadas en “s”, Sodoma y Andorra, el Don Simón del 85, Gariñano (que no Arguiñano), estrellas Milechín, la chavalería. Lindakari, los Benidores, la fregoneta, la eskurriña, kingüis (que no kiwis...porque supongo que se refería a los kiwis ya que en el la frase hablaba de invernaderos)...
Vive tus sueños, kulebra
Sunday, 11 September 2005
KochiKame is back!
Saturday, 27 August 2005
TV galega
Saturday, 6 August 2005
HIROSHIMA...60 years have passed
(lyrics by João Ricardo and Vinícius de Moraes)
Georges Moustaki
Par la colombe et l'olivier,
Par la détresse du prisonnier,
Par l'enfant qui n'y est pour rien,
Peut-être viendra-t-elle demain.
Avec les mots de tous les jours,
Avec les gestes de l'amour,
Avec la peur, avec la faim,
Peut-être viendra-t-elle demain.
Par tous ceux qui sont déjà morts,
Par tous ceux qui vivent encore,
Par ceux qui voudraient vivre enfin,
Peut-être viendra-t-elle demain.
Avec les faibles, avec les forts,
Avec tous ceux qui sont d'accord,
Ne seraient-ils que quelques-uns,
Peut-être viendra-t-elle demain.
Par tous les rêves piétinés,
Par l'espérance abandonnée,
À Hiroshima, ou plus loin,
Peut-être viendra-t-elle demain,
La Paix !
Friday, 5 August 2005
me congratulaaaa
Ausflug am 22.Juli: Radio+Kunst
Welle, die durch Barcelona fliegen
Unser Treffpunkt war in eines Kleinen Straße direkt an der Plaça Reial, weil eine der Ziele unseres Ausflugs war, eine Radio zu besuchen. Alles war vom Anfang interessant, als wir ins Radio gegangen sind. Da waren überall Plakarde, Papiere mit Parolen, um die Welt zu verbessern. Ein Radiosender, der in einer alten Wohnung —aus dem 19. oder dem Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts— ist, hat einen besonderen Charme. Darin hatten wir die Gelegenheit, an einer Radiosendung teilzunehmen. Das war wirklich eine sehr gute Erfahrung. Die Themen der Radiosendung, die „Niemandsland“ heißt, waren die Ausstellung über die „Brücke“, die wir später besuchen wollten, ein paar Filme, deren Kritiken wir gelesen haben, Ovidi Montllor und was manche Politiker auf Ibiza mit der Natur machen wollen. Wir haben auf Deutsch, Spanisch und Katalanisch frei gesprochen, was alles einfacher gemacht hat.
Etwas Lustiges war die Katze, die frei über Stühle gelegen hat und durch die Wohnung ohne Einwohner frei gegangen ist. Diese Katze hat mich zum Nachdenken gebracht; freie Katze im freien Radiosender.
Farben, die tanzen
Das MNAC hat auf uns gewartet. Dahin sind wir mit der U-Bahn und auch zu Fuß gegangen. Die Ausstellung, die wir sehen wollten, war über eine Künstlergruppe, die am Anfang des letztes Jahrhunderts, Etwas Anderes machen wollte. Der Stil der Künstler, die „die Brücke“ begründet haben, hat eine sehr enge Beziehung mit Expressionismus, Fauvismus, Afrikanischen Kunst, Japanischen Bildern, Puntillismus und noch ein paar mehr Tendenzen. Wir konnten Bilder von vielen Künstler betrachten. Die bekanntesten Künstler sind E. Nolde, K Schmidt-Rotluf, E. Heckel, E.L. Kirschner und M. Pechstein. Die Formen und Farben, die immer reich und dynamisch sind, in den Bilder bringen die Zuschauer in eine andere Welt. Eine Welt, in der alles möglich ist; in der keine Farbe zu keiner Sache konkret gehört; in der alles unabhängig und frei ist, wir die Katze, die wir vorher gesehen hatten. Die Farben da waren wie Katzen.
Ein Teil der Bilder waren Spiegel, in denen man das Lebenstil einer früheren Epoque betrachten konnte. Die Künstler, die die Brücke gebaut haben, sprechen über nackte Frauen, über Musen, wie Fränzi, von den die Maler geküsst wurden, über Häuser, die nur in Träumen von Kindern existieren könten, über legebdige Objekte, über Bäume und Flüße, die aus verrückten Farben bestehen, über das Leben in der Stadt, d.h. über Alles lebhafte. Die Brücke hat Augen, die alles anders sieht. Sie hat einen Mund, die über alles anders spricht.
Thursday, 4 August 2005
OST is not Original SoundTrack
When i was little, the Iron curtain still existed and divided the world. I remember movies and cartoons where "the russian people" were pictured as the evil characters. But i don't remember much, besides that. I don't even have images in my mind about the fall of the Wall in 1989 because i was 7 and i'm sure all things happening then were a bit (just a bit) surrealist to me. Fortunately i saw the images later several times, though it wasn't the same. Spain was taking off in those years, having opened the doors of democracy to people not so many years before...and having had some crisis in the mid 80es (which, obviously i can't remember)...Spain was a bit out of nowhere, though she became a member of the EEC.
I don't think Communism is bad itself...the problem is when some people try to impose it and the leaders or people with some kind of power or links to the power, are corrupt or become corrupt. But the values are pretty positive and could work well if they come out spontaneously or from rational thinking (of what's the best for all) in a small community. Those values of not wanting luxury items, giving a high value to work for the community and belonging to it are much better than those values ruling the society we have nowadays in most "western" countries. The functionality of things is relegated to the background and things such as the image it gives to the society are considered more important in many choices. A trabi or a wartburg were enough....and a seat 600, in Franco times was enough for most families who could afford having their own car, although there were some other models. Now we have too much of everything, but yet people try to follow what is socially better...and homogenisation is not strange despite the diversity of products we have. We grow up feeling we can choose among a wiiiiide range of things and that but also we're thaught, by people around us but also by the media, what is socially desirable. And we end up desiring things because they're socially better, which we don't really need, while the media keeps bombing us with messages tellin us what to do. Happyness? not much, not enough in most cases. Just have a (discrete) look at the expression of the face of people walkin on the streets of big cities, where they can reach all kind of goods, modernity and so on. I can't find many happy expressions in people's faces...and those which aren't sad, look quite bitter or stressed. But i'm not making a call to set up communist values. I don't think either people in communist countries were or are happy, feeling somebody imposes a lifestyle on them, and seeing what lifestyle people in other countries have. But it's all a matter of education and what we get used to seeing...and how we face human impulses (those who make us love possessing things, wanting more, desiring, being better than others and so on).
"have a nice trip with Trabant". Buddhism and other Asian philosophies make me think of communism sometimes...The values they have are not so far away from eachother...and they are all distant from the existing values we have in most western cultures (i'm using "western" adjective but it's not just the west...i should include japan and some other places praising capitalist values). But nowadays people don't really thing about the relationship capitalism-communism (well, Fidel Castro and Kim Jong Il politics are still a hot issue), but about christianity and western culture, facing it with islamic countries. The world keeps changing, but not to better. :( Hey..comments for this post are very welcome. I hope i didn't offend anybody..and please correct any mistake i could have made (i didn't sleep much and morning thoughts can be sometimes a bit weird and clumsy) :)
Tuesday, 2 August 2005
the beginning
Ah..today, my friend Arief suggested me creating a blog here. I had already thought about it but never did anything in the end, basically because i already have a website to take care of. But today -i believe there are several reasons that tell why it IS and SHOULD BE today and not any other day-, i took the first steps ahead and here is the result. I want to thank you....maybe it brings sth positive to me, who knows. Another suggestion from Arief was to create 2 blogs so as to have 2 language versions. Uhm...there's a lot of "bureaucracy" to create one so i think i'll let languages life together. I hope you don't get scared if suddenly, something you can't understand appears right after a text in english....All languages are welcome as long there's people reading this who will understand it.
I dit tot això, bé, només cal que digui que de mica en mica aniré escrivint una mica de tot. No sé pas què sortirà, però millor. Planificar provoca patologies. "Que vagi de gust i, salut!", com diria l'Isma Prados.