Friday, 5 August 2005

me congratulaaaa

Hey!! thanks to all those who made the effort to read some article on my blog....waa....i'm moved :D. really...thanks a million. I read all your comments and it was really interesting to see the interest some of you had to talk about communism. Danke Lukas, für deine Meinung nach, weil du, wie Deutscher, eine besondere Meinung über das Thema hast...You are closer to the reality of communism in Germany, which is an interesting case.
By the way...i didn't want to make apologia for communism since i believe it's an utopy, unless it's used to rule a small community of the extension of a family or people who can live in a house....or a small tribe. In any case a whooooole State (well, some island, lost in the middle of the Pacific wouldn't be bad). The cases of communism in this world are all quite sad...But the values of communism are not bad themselves. Communism without stalin, fidel castro, kim il sung, kim jong il (worse than his father), pol pot, mao zhedong, jaruzelski (it's written like this, isn't it?), and so many others would have been very different. But anyway...tomorrow is the 60th anniversary of the bombing of hiroshima by a democratic state. Even in a war context, i don't think people would really choose massively to drop a bomb like the A-bomb and leave sequels in a population till nowadays. Happy and lucky those who live lost in the middle of out of nowhere, in the middle of a jungle.
About what you wrote, Carles (a.k.a Dr. Karl)'s true...there's not much change to develop hi-tech in communist countries....well, unless you want to show your country better than capitalist ones, as was the case of the former USSR and the race to space, competing with the USA....or unless the country wants to promote developement for the welfare of the community. Si m'ho permet, dr. Karl, la tecnologia no ha portat cap món millor perquè el progrés humà ha importat a pocs. Potser si que tenim més opcions i drets (sobretot les dones), però en general la societat va per uns altres camins. Llàstima, pq amb el progrés que tenim avui dia, la qualitat de vida és molt millor i podriem tenir la possibilitat de viure en un món superidealdelamuertetelojuro. Politics are quite depressing because the power is given, in most cases, to the wrong people..and economical interests (or of another kind) are more important than the population, but when they're voters. And anarchy isn't the way either. I vote left/green parties, though i don't really like the candidates, nor believe in all promises...but we must vote, to have chances to get the least worse political option. in spain we all heard about that german woman, who killed 9 of her sons. Very sad...but it's not difficult to go mad in a world like the one we have....and the fact that welfare state services are decreasing or worsening in many places (or simply, they don't exist)...i guess many people feel they have no protection in some cases...the Market won't help anybody nor will cover all necessities. Thanks also for the info about Schönbohm. Maybe many people from Ostdeutschland, having lost their jobs after the fall of the Wall, having emigrated to the east with fewer chances that people already living there....and feeling they were less protected than before...they can't feel fine (i've heard such theory and, besides, it's all pretty logical). But that can happen in other circumstances too. And in all cases there are many variables to bear in mind. Besides, human mind is quite fragile and mysterious. Unexpected entrepans, com deia l'anunci aquell del pans & company.
happy digestion.

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