Thursday, 8 June 2006

Wandering thoughts and wandering souls

It could have been my turn; it could have been yours. But it wasn’t. It was decided, had been decided, or who knows how do these things work, that the one to leave this existence was the partner of a friend, the father of the child of that friend, somebody who has a part of many bigger parts, which were, at the same time, parts of bigger parts, and so on till we feel that death could affect all people. I hardly knew him, but it’s not important, I know that friend since I was 4 and we studied in the same class till we were 16 or 17 and I know the meaning that young man had to her. Numbers, images, all fade away. Just thoughts, ideas, memories, maybe souls too remain here or somewhere else. That friend might not read this, her partner would neither read this, but I do want to say from here that I hope that his soul, no matter where it is, reaches some kind of peace. Maybe there is some point in the middle of space, or somewhere beyond space or the perceivable space, where wandering or expelled or cried or professed thoughts meet wandering souls. And maybe these wandring souls meet our thoughts, no matter if we expressed them afterwards with spoken words or written words. What I’m sure about is that there is always something good emerging from the depths of sadness, negative episodes in life, darkness, tragedies... And fortunately I know that that friend of mine will be strong.

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