Friday, 2 June 2006

Armenia belongs to Europe

Most of those reading this might think that Eurovision song contest is not worth being watched...and it’s in fact not difficult to find arguments to support such idea (uuuh! What an exhaustive and objective way to vote!). I’ve been following such “event” for years, basically because I was curious about songs sung in less common languages, let’s say, Croatian, Estonian, Icelandic, Albanian (great song and performance the one from Albania this year’s edition!). Slavonic and Balkanic songs were usually among my favourite ones, but unfortunately, in the last years, most countries choose to sing in English (oooh). Some years I didn’t even watch it, but this year I felt that there some revolution could take place, with Finland candidates (Lordi, the nice monsters). And it was indeed revolutionary. I felt that something was finally happening there. But there was something else: Armenia was there with her candidate singing happily! Many thought for ages about Israel’s belongingness to Europe, since she has been in the contest for ages. Just think of A ba ni bi...or that singer named Shlomo Artzi, rather famous in the 70es. (I tend to think about politics when I watch or hear certain and star wars are 2 examples –I’m not a fan of Star wars and I’ve only seen the first movie, filmed in 1977, I think-).

The case of Armenia is different than that of Israel or Turkey: Eurovision reaching the Caucasus, which is relatively unknown and strange to most people. I feel as if some day, the central Asian republics (formerly part of the USSR), will be included in Europe, by means of such song contest. Astana 2020 Eurovision song contest...or Tashkent 2021 Eurovision song contest. Perhaps, by the time those years come to us to greet us, Mr. Nazerbayev and Karimov are somewhere else, in some Spa in Turkey, painting, practising regional dances, and in those countries we find, instead the regimes they created, some kind of heterodox but purer democracy. But Armenia seems to be part of Europe.
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This morning I read a mail from a friend with several pics attached...and one is wooorth being mentioned, because thanks to it I got to know that from Gdańsk (oi que era Gdańsk on era el senyal amb tots els noms de ciutats I distàncies??) to Astana (ooooh) there are 3968 km. Not so far away to consider Kazakhstan that far away. “Astana 2020” is not that odd. Kyrghiz people might enjoy watching they eat cockles (just to say fact, one day, all of a sudden I thought of the action of eating cockles in Kyrgyzstan and I wondered what might people there think and feel about it). Eurovision is globalising itself...and soon it might be named worldvision or whatever...eurasiavision, most probably. Eurovision reflects politics after all.

(I dedicate this post to some people: to Dudu Jae-dong...ei...que he posat allò del cartellet de la foto, allò de les escopinyes que et vaig dir–paradigmàtic del frikisme crònic- i del nostre amic Luiz de les Albànies!!! To Meriwoki del Patzwokistan, fan de les àsies centrals –bé...aquí no podia fer esment de les Corees- and to Mònica de la ROIP, entusiasta del Kazakhstan i les coses boniques que hi ha)

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