Tuesday, 2 August 2005

the beginning

Ah..today, my friend Arief suggested me creating a blog here. I had already thought about it but never did anything in the end, basically because i already have a website to take care of. But today -i believe there are several reasons that tell why it IS and SHOULD BE today and not any other day-, i took the first steps ahead and here is the result. I want to thank you....maybe it brings sth positive to me, who knows. Another suggestion from Arief was to create 2 blogs so as to have 2 language versions. Uhm...there's a lot of "bureaucracy" to create one so i think i'll let languages life together. I hope you don't get scared if suddenly, something you can't understand appears right after a text in english....All languages are welcome as long there's people reading this who will understand it.

I dit tot això, bé, només cal que digui que de mica en mica aniré escrivint una mica de tot. No sé pas què sortirà, però millor. Planificar provoca patologies. "Que vagi de gust i, salut!", com diria l'Isma Prados.


Anonymous said...

Hola nena...jajajaja...dec ser de les poquetes q entén el català...bufff...l'article en alemany del principi ni somiar-ho entendre'l, xo el d'anglès mes o menys ho entenc...ta xuli el blog..l'aniré mirant encara q el meu nivell anglés-alemany es relativament baix...animus maka, vals un güeb!!!

Anonymous said...

ey, yoli!!cuánto tiempo!! qés això tan interessant qfas?no sabia qtenies aquests coneixements informàtics!!positiu!bueno, vaig a mirar-me aviam qentenc. a part d'anglès i francès crec qpoco más...