Wednesday, 4 January 2012


The circumstances might not be the best ones (they aren't...but at least now my health is finally much better) but there are always many reasons and impulses to move forward. Even when dreams blur and when what we aim for is not so clear, the key is to keep being active, receptive. Being physically active is also the right tool to have onelself fully balanced and better prepared for the coming times (coming days, coming weeks, coming months and even coming years). Anything positive will be useful, all efforts are useful, even if they don't seem to be fruitful in the short term.

A brand new year is not much more than a brand new month, a brand new week and even a brand new day. Just some mindfulness and awareness, look at oneself and the "beginning-of-something"-effect will help to be able to improve something or many things.

This 2012, in my case, began positively, after quite a bad 2011. Getting up early (very early, in fact) as always, studying, organising things at home, housechores, physical activity, interesting readings, some documentary film....and even setting new goals. I'm already thinking about starting some new undergraduate studies. After many years since I graduated on Political Science, and then did a Postgraduate-Master program (2-year long) on Asia and Pacific, in 2010 I started with Advertising and PR studies (undergraduate). There are not many subjects left to finish and keep as motivated as when I started and keep enjoying all lessons, papers I write, discussions on the net, bibliography I come across and read....And, why not something more? why not going further? As time goes by we're more able to see our strengths and those things we really really like and are suited for. I'm about to enrol on Psychology....I might not be old when I graduate but now is the time to begin and we never know in life. Psychology and advertising (marketin) match pretty well....and both are very compatible as well with some fields within political science.

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