Wednesday, 21 February 2007

"death in fire" from SwEdEn WiTh LoVe!

Several days ago i decided to type “Amon Amarth” and see if i could find some video clip for “death in fire”. I found a video of the song being played live...Much better...splendorous choreographic head-banging!

I don’t like all songs by Amon Amarth (in fact, I’ve not listened to all of them...well, I have the songs from a Cd, which a friend sent me) but Death in fire is my favourite by them. I find the melody....wonderful (strange adjective for a Viking metal song) and I often try to imagine it how it could be played on violins and piano (if there’s a classical music version of “bizarre love triangle” by New order (originally), why not of “death in fire”?) and change the "cookie monster vocals" and let the song be performed by some soprano or someone with a sweet voice...Metal sub-genres tend to have complex melodies...sometimes anarchic like jazz, sometimes harmonic, like classical music.

The lyrics are something else...I’m not really keen on Scandinavian mythology but it’s fine and interesting....After all, Viking metal is nothing but a sub-genre of death metal and death metal is a subgenre of heavy metal. The line between sub-genres is thin...and the black metal bands are right there (uh!...well, I’ve listened to some black metal songs and I still keep some but I don’t take them seriously otherwise it would be scary or repulsive...well...the melody of some is pretty good –here’s the only reason I have to listen to some black metal “curse you all men” by Emperor...from Norway without love...if they had sung or sang “love you all men” or something like that, instead, they wouldn’t be black metal and they might be classified Shadows Fall, singing to the Noble Truths,...or somebody could invent happy-death metal...or whatever).

Back into Amon Amarth and their choreography...ah...I’ve always been unable to “dance” that way: when my hair was longer, my glasses were prone to fly away and go who-knows-where if my head-banging wasn’t I don’t even wear long hair...and my glasses keep being prone to fly if I’m not careful.

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els samurais...

sí! reflexionant sobre els subgèneres del metal i sobre el terme víking metal i la menció a happy-death metal de l'entrada anterior...vaig recordar de grups japonesos i vaig pensar que sí hi havia viking metal hi hauria d'haver samurai metal...i resulta que sí que hi ha una cosa així (bé, ho preten uns seran víkings ni l'altre un samurai), però encara està emergint: ZENITHRASH amb influències dels Judas i de Manowar entre d'altres (com el new age)...però també de la música tradicional en va es poden sentir alguns instruments pròpiament japonesos. Shamisen amb veus guturals...fabulós! (per més informació, accediu a la web de Zenithrash a través de la imatge....i per escoltar algunes peces, a l'enllaç rosa)

Fet curió cosa no s'allunya d'escandinàvia perquè el músic (canta i toca els intruments...ell solet...) es diu Håkan Lyckberg...que no sona gaire japonès. Pobrissó...ell solet entre guitarres i shamisen i fent veus....Ves..allò del projecte rolang no era tant estrany...clar que jo no toco

Les lletres que he llegit no són gaire black....més aviat serien un equivalent a la cosa vikinga dels Amon Amarth. Bé, també parla dels ninja....potser s'inspira i li dedica peces als rokurokubi, kappa i demés fauna. Fet curiós...

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