Sunday, 15 September 2013


No sabem com pot ser el corrent del riu quan ens hi hem de tirar, quan l’hem de travessar, quan l’hem de contemplar, quan l'hem de vorejar...Tot flueix. Savi Heràclit...

Per què arribar a caure en el parany de pensar en arguments o plantejaments basats en un llarg termini inherentment difús i incert o de donar les coses per suposat si fa temps que no s'hi acaba de creure? Millor sempre centrar-se en un present sòlid amb actes, les conseqüències dels quals siguin positives i profitoses per qualsevol mena de futur, bé sigui immediat, bé indefinit (o un llarg termini plantejat en clau d'hipòtesi). A més, es perd molt si es perd la consciència del moment present i del fet de ser-hi.

Agafo ben fort la meva coherència en un dia de núvols i de grisor omnipresent...Som-hi endavant!!!

*cançó que dóna nom al títol a aquesta entrada: kawa no nagare no you ni (fluir com un riu), de Misora Hibari.


Never black and white.
Features blend. Be creative
The space they lived in as well as the air they breathed were prone to some sort of stagnation. Lacking some inputs from the world outside, too quiet in a holiday-mood period of time, their selves saw something else at the mirror.

Our human nature leads us usually to routine and sometimes, unexpectedly, after some time unconsciously facing ourselves with reflections and different perspectives, things have to keep changing. It could be tiding a room differently, buying a new and very unexpected item, trying something new in a meal, cutting (or getting cut) our hair....or more radical changes such as moving or looking for a different job or career.

I do believe that being labelled erodes us somehow. It might be comfortable to have everything and everyone around us perfectly labelled so as to be able to know how to act and know what to expect. Our self is dynamic, not static and our changing throughout life collides with the label the others assigned us and also with that one we chose for ourselves.

Break it down!!! Is it that necessary to be that labelled? It requires a lot of flexibility and having a “brave” self, capable of applying creativity to its position in the world and to its relationship with others. Not everybody will understand some sorts of flexibility and relativism because it means “breaking” the mental schemes (labels) the others see tied to other people. It might be a bit tiring to try to explain the creative change and the creative fitting and balance between situation-world-self and we might end up giving heuristical explanations based on describing some sort of different label.  But after all we’d have gained a precious space of freedom and harmony through creativity and finding a better fitting for our self and society. We’re empowered to do more things than we might be aware of and balance is possible.

Thursday, 12 September 2013


downtown (Granollers, V. Oriental)
Yesterday, 11th September (the Diada), walking around Granollers with a friend I spotted a building hosting the offices of 2 "pretty opposite" political parties: Ciutadans and SI. How might be their daily life sharing that building? I think the elites are much less democratic than citizens and small representations and delegations of parties. It's people who are rather moved by feelings, by belongingness to a collective or a society and it's people who really deal with real problems in any country. And thus it should be citizens who, empowered, manage to change things. It was on the occasion of La Diada that people displayed a shared feeling of belongingness to a collective, to a society and to an identity. I did like the romantic side of such a collective action as was the Catalan Way (I found it beautiful and awe inspiring), even though I can't be any kind of nationalist (I rather focus on non-attachment and becoming a bit more selfless and less linked to any identity). Internationalism has also a romantic side but it's somehow less compatible (I'd say) with human nature and nowadays proneness to focus on the self and personalization of whatever might be customizable. Well, I'm talking about western culture countries in general.

Ah...but there's a nuance of internationalism within any nationalism in the sense that people from any place are prone to feel attached to a sense of belongingness to a culture, to a nation. We're all social creatures and need to some extent some kind of approval and "haven" from our peers. I know I can't deny I belong to a society and a culture, but I can't go beyond that and have nationalist or belongingness feelings. Facts on the one hand and subjectivity on the other hand.