Monday, 12 July 2010

Time beyond watches

Over 1 year ago, one day, suddenly I remembered an old watch that belonged to my mother.
Unfortunately there was nothing to do to have it working again. I ended up buying a similar
model: a Casio, instead of a Radiant (that was in mid June 2009).

Curiously, later on, it seemed that such kind of digital watches, were kind of “trendy”. I had just
followed a desire to wear something that had belonged to my mother, after the strange feelings
one goes across after some days at the hospital and later on, having to deal with an illness. We all
seek closeness to certain people in hard moments. Some material things do help, no matter how
expensive or cheap they were or they are.

There’s some time beyond watches flowing differently, where the present is blurry, where those
who were gone are back, where greener trees seem to grow inside oneself.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010



Passeja el cos, passeja l'ànima. Quina plenitud amb els peus dins aigües mediterrànies dòcils i transparents. Ni multituds ni cridòries; onades i esquitxos del caminar trencant el silenci.

Passeig meditatiu, deixant que els pensaments vinguessin i anessin quedant-se amb les petjades, emportats tots per les onades.

Vacuïtats i cadàvers de petits peixos víctimes de les dinàmiques marines. Pedres i trossos de vidre
arrodonits. Els propis peus a través de les aigües. Mantenir l'equilibri en cada passa.

Esdevinc translúcida.