Wednesday, 24 March 2010

en els temps que corren....

...mocadors en packaging estilós.

M'han agradat els mocadors del bonpreu. Són diverses les marques blanques que presenten dissenys allunyats del que podria considerar-se cutre o hortera. Al marge de la situació econòmica i la bona opció que són els preus de les marques de les distribuidores i les marques blanques, aquestes van presentant cada cop més dissenys més agradables. Molts han anat canviant els dissenys millorant (ex: els productes d'higiene i cosmètica del Mercadona, diversos productes de l'Alcampo, canviant-li els colors cridaners a l'ocell del logo...)

Thursday, 18 March 2010


A brand-new age? It seems so. This time it might feel different since so many things have been changing inside and out. Illness, new projects, different perspectives and finally, the feeling of having found a path. Having started with advertising studies seems to be the right decision. I wonder why couldn’t I see it before. I always liked to think and remember ads, I even cut ads from magazines....and recorded or downloaded some, enjoyed watching tv programmes about adverts (the last one I remember was “La Rentadora”, on Tv3). What kind of blindness is that? Turning 28 and seeing clearly things about oneself and paths to take in life is better than keeping blind in that sense and keep going nowhere, keep losing energy, fading because of lacking dreams.

Stop, think, pick up something and choose a more suitable way. It won’t mean going backwards but getting better prepared instead, so as to keep moving better, smoothly. On yellow high-heel boots. a Bright and vivid colour to make steps shinier, more pleasant.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Made in W. Germany

Last Saturday, there was some kind of special street market in this city. Most shops downtown
had their own stand and sold kind of outlet items. They organise such an event from time to time
and it’s pretty successful. I often find some interesting bargains: fashionable and good quality
pantyhoses (for 1 euro or so, just because they’re from years ago...but still perfect and nice), some
silver earrings (I got some for 5 or 4 euros once)...and this time I got, for 0,50 euro, some kind of paper fastening stuff (rapesco’s Supaclip)....and 3 fountain pens ( 1 euro each). I like using
fountain pens and I got a crush on a couple of colourful ones (Inoxcrom, Spanish brand) and an old Pelikan one,
very old since it’s written on it “W. Germany”. I like it when I find items that were made back then. It’s somehow odd to be able to buy West-german products. Many things were better at that time....I might be kind of nostalgic about my childhood in the 1980es..
