Tuesday, 28 December 2010


Molt casualment, fa ja força temps, en unes grans superfícies vaig adquirir 2 llibres d'en Jon Juaristi. 1 euro cadascun, temàtiques interessants....i recordava que m'havia agradat l'estíl d'aquest senyor en base a articles seus que havia trobat en vells diaris (crec que El País) i, darrerament, els diumenges a l'ABC. Les expectatives eren difuses però, en avançar amb la lectura de “La tribu atribulada. El nacionalismo vasco explicado a mi padre”, la sorpresa ha estat realment grata. En els temps que corren, de posar etiquetes i simplificar tot tant com es pugui i de donar visions blanc-o-negre de les coses, és valuós veure com transcendeixen d'altres coses. En l'esmentada obra les persones, la seva part més humana, es posa per damunt d'idees de tota mena. de fet, són les persones les que s'adhereixen a unes idees i no a la inversa. És un tipus de miopia força comuna.

Essent partidària d’universalismes i de defugir identitats i etiquetes agraeixo llegir o escoltar plantejaments contraris, no pas per rebatre’ls (com rebatre sentiments, com rebatre aspectes viscerals de vegades gàstrics?) sinó cada cop més per curiositat, perquè cada cop em costa més i més entendre plantejaments basats en l’aferrament a identitats. I òbviament també llegeixo sobre plantejaments d'aquells que no entenen de nacionalismes i fins i tot d'aquells que violentament agredeixen verbalment idees nacionalistes. Tot són idees i no fa gens de mal mirar-se-les i pensar-hi una mica....i cap d'elles és millor o pitjor...totes tenen un perquè al darrera. Un altre tema és que aquest motiu sigui acceptable socialment, moralment, racionalment, humanament, legalment, etc. I una altra cosa és cada persona i les seves circumstàncies.

És, d’altra banda, curiós que precisament estigui estudiant publicitat, on les marques, símbols, identitats tenen l’enorme força que tenen (que deixem que tinguin). Al cap i a la fi som una bestiola que necessita de símbols i d’etiquetes, que acabin sent una mica de rutes, una mena de caus on sembla que ens puguem aixoplugar. Símbols i etiquetes que funcionen com a coixins amb els quals pensem que ens podem protegir o que ens poden donar una posició més elevada. Però segons com s’emprin els coixins ens poden ben ofegar.

Saturday, 27 November 2010


What an equivalence....Broken humerus=new skills.

Despite the pain and the inconvenience of having just one arm+hand available (functional), I feel
rather positive and optimistic since I got a chance to get new skills. I need challenges, either big or
small, to make my days more complete and meaningful, to keep going forward. In fact, I’d say
challenges are directions, impulses, strength.

Try, using just 1 hand, to....

...peel tangerines
...fold t-shirts
...open pots
...peel and eat bananas,
...put pantyhose on (easier than slim-fit jeans, actually)
...press ALT and ENTER keys at the same time (I use it often when working with MS Excel)
...knit (holding somewhere the needle with the work...and knitting left-handedly)...and cast on, of

The so-called sinister hand is not that sinister when it becomes dextrous. What a pair of
adjectives. I read at Wikipedia about left-handedness and there was a lot of pretty interesting
information linking linguistics and prejudices and stigmas against left-handed people.

Sunday, 5 September 2010


In dieser neuen Zeit ist das Laufen nicht nur eine Idee, eine Chance zu haben sondern auch Etwas notwendiges. Freiheit durch Körperbewegung nach Freiheit nur durch Ideenbewegung. Diese neue Möglichkeit, die ich schon früher hatte glänzt heute, als eine neue und als die beste Möglichkeit.

Das Laufen der Zeit ist jetzt anders geworden, nicht mehr wie früher. Sie läuft jetzt neben mir, nicht davon und weitentfernt.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010


En la visita al Cosmocaixa amb en Huang-lags (a.k.a. Jón), la curiositat va romandre fins el moment de travessar la sortida (bé, encara quedava entrar a la botiga del museu). Com un element més de les exposicions vam observar i comentar els contenidors de brossa ordenadament col·locats a l’edifici.

En comptes de “rebuig”, a un dels contenidors el text era “banal”. Ah...massa petit el contenidor si s’hi ha de poder abocar totes les banalitats....

Monday, 12 July 2010

Time beyond watches

Over 1 year ago, one day, suddenly I remembered an old watch that belonged to my mother.
Unfortunately there was nothing to do to have it working again. I ended up buying a similar
model: a Casio, instead of a Radiant (that was in mid June 2009).

Curiously, later on, it seemed that such kind of digital watches, were kind of “trendy”. I had just
followed a desire to wear something that had belonged to my mother, after the strange feelings
one goes across after some days at the hospital and later on, having to deal with an illness. We all
seek closeness to certain people in hard moments. Some material things do help, no matter how
expensive or cheap they were or they are.

There’s some time beyond watches flowing differently, where the present is blurry, where those
who were gone are back, where greener trees seem to grow inside oneself.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010



Passeja el cos, passeja l'ànima. Quina plenitud amb els peus dins aigües mediterrànies dòcils i transparents. Ni multituds ni cridòries; onades i esquitxos del caminar trencant el silenci.

Passeig meditatiu, deixant que els pensaments vinguessin i anessin quedant-se amb les petjades, emportats tots per les onades.

Vacuïtats i cadàvers de petits peixos víctimes de les dinàmiques marines. Pedres i trossos de vidre
arrodonits. Els propis peus a través de les aigües. Mantenir l'equilibri en cada passa.

Esdevinc translúcida.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

no longer....

Some products impossible to find at stores.....and some stores that are no longer the same or don't even exist.

  • Continente (among others, such as Pryca) became carrefour.

I kept a packet of odd paper: 63 g! It's even hard to find 70 g paper...

  • Caprabo merged (sort of) with eroski and became caprabo amb eroski oder eroski.

I liked seeing the names and information about the products in catalan (well, Bonpreu supermarkets do so)...but seeing names and texts on products in basque, galician, spanish and catalan is interesting and one can learn some basic daily-life vocabulary.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

아 ~, 진싸!!!

Really....these are scary times....What have people done to deserve such a govenrment?? Finally, yesterday there was a reaction to the situation, I mean, a real reaction, since the measures since then had been rather random and uneffective. However, such measures aren't the best at all...and it feels that they're taken too late, under pressure and rushing. Other parties had been saying to do changes and adopt certain policies for a long time but that useless politician the citizens have to suffer as head of the executive, was too stubborn and childish to accept them, to admit the situation was bad. It's never been a sign of intelligence to cover one's ears so as to ignore suggestions. It felt like "since it's x, who is bad, the enemy, who makes the suggestion, it's a bad suggestion and I'm going to ignore it". It's healthy and enriching to listen to different and even contrary opinions or to thoughts from those who think differently and then think about it.

아, 진싸...

The time when the ruling party boastfully talked about protecting the worker and avoiding cuts in social expenditure is not far away. The time when they boastfully called themselves socialist is neither far away from now....Worker's party? socialist party? Just seeing their salaries, the way they dress and the way they act places them far away from such adjectives...And how they love to waste money on useless things and trips....and how they love to appear smiling at some meetings and photographs.

Really.....there's a lot to say, a lot to be fed up with and too much to feel just too disappointed. Fortunately I didn't vote for them but for a party who got no representation in the Parliament.

Really....it's still too long until the next general election.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Fa poc han estat les consultes sobiranistes, en un moment en què hi ha qüestions més rellevants
en què pensar i temes pendents de resoldre o millorar. La identitat no servirà com a crostó de pa
per la gana. Només ens fa menys lliures i ens tanca...però és interessant ficar en els caps idees
sobre identitats (ja poden ser nacionalismes, idolatries a marques o imatges, adoracions diverses)
per fer que les criatures humanes actuin sense donar gaires arguments. s'ha de fer això perquè
sóm un grup, un col.lectiu d'iguals, una comunitat diferenciada. Res més.

Diria que és millor veure el que uneix les bestioles humanes: veure la diversitat com riquesa, no
pas com trets diferenciadors. Per què les cultures han de ser patrimoni de comunitats concretes?
Tant per aprendre i per compartir que hi ha...

Les banderes no són més que draps pintats. Sense draps, nus, tots esdevindriem iguals. Nus,
sense etiquetes ni aferraments, més feliços i menys cecs.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

en els temps que corren....

...mocadors en packaging estilós.

M'han agradat els mocadors del bonpreu. Són diverses les marques blanques que presenten dissenys allunyats del que podria considerar-se cutre o hortera. Al marge de la situació econòmica i la bona opció que són els preus de les marques de les distribuidores i les marques blanques, aquestes van presentant cada cop més dissenys més agradables. Molts han anat canviant els dissenys millorant (ex: els productes d'higiene i cosmètica del Mercadona, diversos productes de l'Alcampo, canviant-li els colors cridaners a l'ocell del logo...)

Thursday, 18 March 2010


A brand-new age? It seems so. This time it might feel different since so many things have been changing inside and out. Illness, new projects, different perspectives and finally, the feeling of having found a path. Having started with advertising studies seems to be the right decision. I wonder why couldn’t I see it before. I always liked to think and remember ads, I even cut ads from magazines....and recorded or downloaded some, enjoyed watching tv programmes about adverts (the last one I remember was “La Rentadora”, on Tv3). What kind of blindness is that? Turning 28 and seeing clearly things about oneself and paths to take in life is better than keeping blind in that sense and keep going nowhere, keep losing energy, fading because of lacking dreams.

Stop, think, pick up something and choose a more suitable way. It won’t mean going backwards but getting better prepared instead, so as to keep moving better, smoothly. On yellow high-heel boots. a Bright and vivid colour to make steps shinier, more pleasant.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Made in W. Germany

Last Saturday, there was some kind of special street market in this city. Most shops downtown
had their own stand and sold kind of outlet items. They organise such an event from time to time
and it’s pretty successful. I often find some interesting bargains: fashionable and good quality
pantyhoses (for 1 euro or so, just because they’re from years ago...but still perfect and nice), some
silver earrings (I got some for 5 or 4 euros once)...and this time I got, for 0,50 euro, some kind of paper fastening stuff (rapesco’s Supaclip)....and 3 fountain pens ( 1 euro each). I like using
fountain pens and I got a crush on a couple of colourful ones (Inoxcrom, Spanish brand) and an old Pelikan one,
very old since it’s written on it “W. Germany”. I like it when I find items that were made back then. It’s somehow odd to be able to buy West-german products. Many things were better at that time....I might be kind of nostalgic about my childhood in the 1980es..


Thursday, 11 February 2010


Floating feet are useless feet but in some dreamt landscape. Wearing leopard-print shoes but unable to walk for too long or go too far away is like walking inside some kind of cage.

Outside I can feel the cage.

Inside, there’s no cage.

Illness has been coming, fading and coming change so many perceptions that I became some kind of odd creature with an intermittent cage. A leopard-shoed woman running fast inside, going far away. Yet with limited movements outside.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


I read somewhere by chance (in some blog) about pocoyoisation option on Pocoyo’s site. I quite liked the idea and gave it a try. Some pocoyo-alter egos can be really good and look quite the same as the real person.

Now....some versions of pocoyolda....


Saturday, 2 January 2010

Brand new

Fading past,
brand new paths,
casually it was at the end of a year.
Another brand new and shiny January.
A better year....