I recently heard, in Eduard Punset’s TV program Redes, about the ability of the brain to adapt, to change its structure whenever something new is learn, no matter how old we are. It might be a bit more difficult to learn new things when we get old but yet we can learn new thing....great! there’s so much to learn and there can be so many possible paths to take in life...
Find or come across-learn-adapt....and another change or something else new comes.
We often underestimate our capabilities and don’t take advantage of all our possibilities. Rationally it seems very easy to improve oneself, as well as to solve emotional problems (there were also some interesting reports and interviews to scholars studying consequences and solutions to some emotional problems)...but there’s always something seemingly making us become passive and somehow silly and lazy.
I feel sad when I think of Spanish society nowadays. I feel effort and willingness to improve oneself is rarely praised or seen as something important. Not so long ago it wasn’t this way... Also, patience and perseverance were seen as necessary to get something, to succeed and thus to be admired. Having so many facilities and resources has, too often, made us become lazier instead of better. It’s so easy to get used to easier things....and instead of being more efficient and better we seldom fill the time we gain doing something to improve ourselves....how often do we just sit in front of TV?...So easy to fall into idleness.... Being idle from time to time is good and even healthy....but aiming idleness might turn us into passive beings wasting time, precious time....Precious specially knowing the wide range of possibilities we have.